Commands (Can be configured in the configuration file)


All commands listed here are subject to addition, modification and/or removal at any given time.

The command for toggling staff mode.: staff

The command for toggling freeze on players.: freeze

The command for examining players’ inventory: examine

The command for managing notes for players.: notes

The command for running a clicks per second test on a player: cps

The command for toggling and using staff chat.: sc

The command for reporting and managing reports.: report

The command for warning and managing warnings.: warn

The command for toggling vanish modes.: vanish

The command for chat management.: chat

The command for creating and managing tickets.: ticket

The command for alerts management.: alerts

The command for toggling player following.: follow

The command for reviving players.: revive

The command for listing staff members.: personnel

The command for logging in.: login

The command for registering a password.: register

The command for stripping a player’s armor.: strip

The command for clearing a players inventory: clear

The command for resetting a users password: resetPassword

The command to change your own password: changepassword

Permissions (Can be configured in the configuration file)


All permissions listed here are subject to addition, modification and/or removal at any given time.

Use this to give a player all Staff+ permissions. Take note that this will NOT give the player the block permission. This also gives the player permission to toggle other player’s vanish, staff mode, and etc.: staff.*

Permission for blocking listed commands at blocked-commands and blocked-mode-commands.: staff.block

Permission for clearing/getting player reports.:

Permission for bypassing reports.:

Permission for using /warn and clearing/getting player warnings.: staff.warn

Permission for bypassing warnings.: staff.warn.bypass

Permission for using staff chat.: ``staff.staffchat`

Permission for using /v total.:

Permission for using /v list.: staff.vanish.list

Permission for using /chat clear.:

Permission for using /chat toggle.:

Permission for using /chat slow.:

Permission for bypassing the word blacklist.: staff.blacklist

Permission for managing tickets.:

Permission for receiving mention alerts.: staff.alerts.mention

Permission for receiving name change alerts.: staff.alerts.namechange

Permission for receiving xray alerts.: staff.alerts.xray

Permission for toggling staff mode.: staff.mode

Permission for using the staff mode compass: staff.compass

Permission for using the staff mode random teleport: staff.random-teleport

Permission for the staff mode GUI hub: staff.gui

Permission for the staff mode counter GUI: staff.counter

Permission for using freeze.: staff.freeze

Permission for bypassing freeze.: staff.freeze.bypass

Permission for initializing clicks per second tests: staff.cps

Permission for using examine: staff.examine

Permission for editing inventories with examine.: staff.examine.modify

Permission for using staff mode follow: staff.follow

Permission for locking/unlocking the server.: staff.lockdown

Permission for giving a player’s previous inventory back.: staff.revive

Permission for being noted as a staff member in the staff list command and for login. This also excludes the player from being randomly teleported to!: staff.member

Permission for using /strip.: staff.strip

Permission for use /tp:

Permission for using /staffplus: staff.staffplus

Use this for players who’s ip should not be shown in examine mode: staff.staffplus.hideip

Permission for using the clear inventory config: staff.staffplus.clearinv

Permission for using the /resetPassword command: staff.staffplus.resetpassword


# Staff+ | Made with love by Shortninja. ## Maintained by QBall with help from contributors.

# If you’re having trouble with item type names, refer to here: # All item slots are how they “should be”, meaning the first slot of an inventory will be one. Maximum is 36.


# The language file that will be referred to for messages. # Current available languages are: lang_en, lang_sv, lang_de, lang_nl, lang_es, lang_hr, lang_no, and lang_fr. # If you would like to translate Staff+, please message me on Spigot! lang: “lang_en”

# Commands that staff will not be allowed to use at all. # Must have “permissions.block” permission to take effect. # Leave blank to disable. blocked-commands: “/example1, /example2, /example3”

# Commands that staff will not be allowed to use while in staff mode. # Must have “permissions.block” permission to take effect. # Leave blank to disable. blocked-mode-commands: “/example1, /example2, /example3”

# The default color of glass for the side of GUIs. Just a cosmetic thing that staff members can change. glass-color: 0

# The title of the glass color chooser GUI. glass-title: “&bChoose GUI glass color”


# No permission required for regular users, requires “” permission for moderator commands. reports-module:

# Whether or not the plugin will use “/report” features. enabled: true

# The sound that is played to staff when someone is reported. # Set to “NONE” to disable. sound: ORB_PICKUP

# The cooldown, in seconds, for using “/report”. # This is disabled for players with the “” permission. cooldown: 10

# Whether or not the player that reported another player will be visible in GUIs. show-reporter: true


# Requires “permissions.warn” permission. warnings-module:

# Whether or not the plugin will use “/warn” features. enabled: true

# The sound that is played to the player when warned. # Set to “NONE” to disable. sound: ORB_PICKUP

# The amount of warnings required before “ban-command” is executed. # Set to 0 if you want to disable this. maximum: 3

# The command executed when a player reaches the “maximum”. ban-command: “ban %player% &4Met three warnings. Appeal @ &”

# The amount of time, in seconds, that it will take for a warning to be removed. # Set to zero to disable. clear: 604800

# Whether or not the player issued the warning will be visible in GUIs. show-issuer: true

Staff Chat

# Requires “permissions.staff-chat” permission. staff-chat-module:

# Whether or not the plugin will use “/sc” features. enabled: true

# The string that can be used at the beginning of a message to make it appear in staff chat. # If you have “@” as your string, typing “@hey guys” would send “hey guys” to staff chat. # Leave blank to disable. handle: “@”


# Requires “permissions.vanish” permission. vanish-module:

# Whether or not the plugin will use “/v” features. enabled: true

# Whether or not list vanish will hide the vanished users from tab list. # Does not completely hide players in tab for 1.7 versions. tab-list: true

# Whether or not list vanish users will be shown as “away” or “offline” in the staff list. show-away: false

# Whether or not user should be shown in command tab-complete suggestions. suggestions: false

# Whether or not chat can be used when vanished. chat: false


# Requires “” permission. chat-module:

# Whether or not the plugin will use “/chat” features. enabled: true

# The amount of lines that will be sent when “/chat clear” is executed. lines: 100

# The cooldown, in seconds, for chatting when the chat is slowed. # Bypass permission is “chat-slow”. slow: 5

# All word blacklist options. # Leave any of the lists below blank to disable them! blacklist-module:

# Whether or not the blacklist will be enabled. enabled: false

# Whether or not messages that have censored words in them will be hoverable. # This means you will be able to hover over a chat message to see an uncensored message if you have the “permissions.blacklist” permission. # This may not work well with other chat plugins! hoverable: false

# The character that will replace blocked word characters. character: “*”

# Whether or not messages that have merged blocked words will be detected. # So if you block the word “ass”, it will also block “asshole” or “dickass”. # May cause issues with legal words like “bypass”! Fix is below. merging: true

# All words that will be censored. # Separate words with commas. words: fuck, shit, ass, bitch, dick, cock, piss, cunt, fag, faggot, slut, nigger, nigga

# All characters that will be censored. # These are merely characters that will be detected anywhere in messages. characters: 卐, 卍

# All domain levels that will be censored. # This can prevent users from sending links in chat. # This will only check the end of words which have detected periods! domains: com, net, org

# All strings that will be detected as periods in messages. Of course characters like “.” and “,” are detected by default. # This will work in coordination with “domains”. # For example, it can detect “mineplex()com” as “”. periods: (), (dot),

# All words that will be allowed to be typed no matter what. # This helps quite a bit if you have “merging” enabled. # I recommend using[word]/! allowed: bypass, assembly, assassin, compass, assume, assault, asset, assort


# Requires no permission for opening tickets and requires “permissions.ticket” permission for managing. tickets-module:

# Whether or not the plugin will use ticket features. enabled: true

# Whether or not additional responses to tickets will be sent to all staff members. # The initial ticket will be sent to all staff members no matter what. global: false

# Whether or not multiple staff members will be able to respond to a single ticket. keep-open: false


# Requires “permissions.notify” permission. alerts-module:

# Whether or not staff will be notified when a user changes their name. name-notify: true

# Whether or not staff will be notified when they are mentioned. mention-notify: true

# The sound that is played to staff when notified. sound: ORB_PICKUP

# Notifies staff when a player mines blocks listed in “blocks”. xray-alerts:

# Whether or not this module is enabled. enabled: true

# Block type that, when mined, will invoke an alert. blocks: SPAWNER, DIAMOND_ORE



This module is in the current release fundamentally broken and should not be enabled. Enabling will not toggle any functionality because those are functionally-dismantled too.

# Requires “permissions.member” permission. login:

# Whether or not /login will be enabled. # This is just a security feature that can be used to prevent staff accounts from being hijacked on your server. enabled: false

# The kick message that is sent when a player enters an invalid password. kick-message: “&cInvalid login password!”

Staff Mode

# Requires “permissions.mode” permission. staff-mode:

# Whether or not a player is allowed to break/place blocks while in staff mode. block-manipulation: false

# Whether or not a player is allowed to interact with their inventory while in staff mode. inventory-interaction: true

# Whether or not a player is allowed to drop/pickup items while in staff mode. item-change: false

# The type of vanish that will be applied when a player goes into staff mode. # Valid vanish types are: TOTAL, LIST, and NONE. vanish-type: TOTAL

# Whether or not a player will be invincible while in staff mode. invincible: true

# Whether or not a player in staff mode can attack other players. damage: false

# Whether or not a player will lose hunger while in staff mode. hunger-loss: false

# Whether or not a player can fly while in staff mode. flight: true

# Whether or not a player will be put into creative while in staff mode. creative: false

# Whether or not to a player to the location they were in before they toggled staff mode. original-location: false

# Whether or not staff mode will be enabled for staff when they login. enable-on-login: false

# Name says it all what commands do you want to block while the player is not logged in prelogin-blocked-commands: “/ban”

# Commands to execute when staff mode is enabled. Leave blank to disable. # Each command is separated with a comma. enable-commands: “example1 %player%, example2 %player%”

# Commands to execute when staff mode is disable. Leave blank to disable. # Each command is separated with a comma. disable-commands: “example1 %player%, example2 %player%”

# Should Staff mode disable on world change disable-on-world-change: false

# Should other staff be able to see staff that are in mode while they are not in mode. staff-see-staff-in-mode: false


# When clicked, this launches the staff towards the direction they are facing. compass-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 1

# The velocity at which a player will be launched. velocity: 5

# The type of item for this module. item: COMPASS

# The name of the compass item. name: “&4Launcher”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Launches you towards the, &7location you are facing.”

Random Teleport

# When clicked, this teleports the staff to a random player. random-teleport-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 2

# The type of item for this module. item: ENDEREYE

# The name of the compass item. name: “&cRandom Teleport”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Teleports you to a random player.”

# Whether or not actual pseudo-randomness will be used. # If set to false, “random” teleport will just cycle through players in order. random: false


# When clicked, this will toggle the staff”s invisibility. vanish-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 3

# The type of item for this module. item: INK:10

# The name of the compass item. name: “&6Vanish”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Toggles your total vanish.”

# The type of item for when vanish is disabled. item-off: INK:8


# When clicked, this will open unresolved reports in a GUI. gui-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 4

# The type of item for this module. item: PAPER

# The name of the compass item. name: “&eGUI Hub”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Opens the GUI hub.”

# Whether or not the unresolved reports GUI is enabled in the hub. reports-gui: true

# The title of the unresolved reports GUI. reports-title: “&bUnresolved reports”

# Whether or not the miner GUI is enabled in the hub. miner-gui: true

# The title of the miner GUI. miner-title: “&bUnderground users”

# The y-level at which a player will be marked as a miner. xray-level: 16


# Simply shows all staff online and in staff mode. counter-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 5

# The type of item for this module. item: HEAD

# The name of the compass item. name: “&aStaff List”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Shows all staff online and in staff mode”

# The title of the counter GUI. title: “&bCurrent staff online”

# Whether or not the head item count will represent online staff or staff in staff mode. show-staff-mode: false


# When clicked, this will freeze the player that the staff is looking at. freeze-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 6

# The type of item for this module. item: BLAZE_ROD

# The name of the compass item. name: “&2Freeze”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Toggles freeze for the clicked player.”

# Whether or not a player can chat while frozen. chat: true

# Whether or not a player is able to damage or be damaged while frozen. damage: false

# The interval, in seconds, at which a frozen player will be reminded that they are frozen. # Disable by setting to zero. timer: 5

# The sound that is played to the player when warned. # Set to “NONE” to disable. sound: ORB_PICKUP

# Whether or not a GUI prompt will open up with a paper containing the freeze message. prompt: false

# The title of the frozen prompt GUI. prompt-title: “&bFrozen”

logout-commands: “ban %player%”


# When clicked, this will test the CPS of the player and send it to the staff. cps-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 7

# The type of item for this module. item: CLOCK

# The name of the compass item. name: “&3CPS”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Runs a click per second test on, &7the player that was clicked.”

# Amount of time, in seconds, that the test will run for. time: 10

# The maximum allowed amount of CPS. If a result contains this amount or more, it will be significantly marked. max: 16.0


# When clicked, this will open the inventory of the player that the staff is looking at. examine-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 8

# The type of item for this module. item: CHEST

# The name of the compass item. name: “&bExamine”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Inspects the inventory of the player that was clicked.”

# The title of the examine GUI. title: “&bExamine inventory”

# The configuration of the final line of the examine GUI. # Set the slot of a node to zero to disable it. # Remember that the maximum amount of allowed items within this line is nine! info-line:

# Food and hunger information. food: 2

# IP address information. ip-address: 3

# Gamemode and flight information. gamemode: 4

# Infractions information. infractions: 5

# Location information and teleport button. location: 6

# Player “notes” button. notes: 7

# Freeze button freeze: 8

# Warn button. warn: 0


# When clicked, this will mount the player that the staff is looking at. follow-module:

# Whether or not this feature is enabled. enabled: true

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 9

# The type of item for this module. item: LEAD

# The name of the compass item. name: “&9Follow”

# The lore of the compass item. # Lines are separated by commas. lore: “&7Mounts the player that was clicked.”

# Whether or not following will literally mount a player. use-mount: true


# When clicked, this will execute the custom action. # You can copy and paste one of the modules to create a new one (there are no limits on the amount of modules!). # All examples of available module types are shown below. custom-modules:

# The name of the module (just a reference point; can be anything really). StaticCommand:

# Whether or not this module is enabled. enabled: false

# The type of module this is. # A static command is a command that is executed by the player and the same way every single time. type: COMMAND_STATIC

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 30

# The type of item for this module. item: DIAMOND

# The real name of the item. name: “&4Ban all god kids”

# The lore of the item. lore: “&4line1, &6line2, &3line3”

# The command that this item will execute. command: “ban Shortninja &4For coding 2hard!!11!1!one!”

# The name of the module (just a reference point; can be anything really). DynamicCommand:

# Whether or not this module is enabled. enabled: false

# The type of module this is. # A dynamic command will be executed by the player. # The two placeholders are “%clicker%” and “%clicked%”; both optional. type: COMMAND_DYNAMIC

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 31

# The type of item for this module. item: QUARTZ

# The real name of the item. name: “&4Ban this kid”

# The lore of the item. lore: “&cyou damn lazy staff”

# The command that this item will execute. command: “ban %clicked% &6for shitposting too much with %clicker%”

# The name of the module (just a reference point; can be anything really). ConsoleCommand:

# Whether or not this module is enabled. enabled: false

# The type of module this is. # A console command will be executed by console with the player clicked as an argument. # The two placeholders are “%clicker%” and “%clicked%”; both optional. type: COMMAND_CONSOLE

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 33

# The type of item for this module. item: OBSIDIAN

# The real name of the item. name: “&bDisable staff mode”

# The lore of the item. lore: “&7you’re so lazy”

# The command that this item will execute. command: “staff %clicker% disable”

# The name of the module (just a reference point; can be anything really). Item:

# Whether or not this module is enabled. enabled: false

# The type of module this is. # An item is just an item; it does nothing but sit there. type: ITEM

# The slot that this module’s item is at by default. slot: 34

# The type of item for this module. item: WOOD_AXE

# The real name of the item. name: “&7WorldEdit Wand”

# The lore of the item. lore: “&8don’t grief shitlord!!”


# All permission nodes. permissions:

# Use this to give a player all Staff+ permissions. # Take note that this will NOT give the player the “block” permission. # This also gives the player permission to toggle other player’s vanish, staff mode, and etc. wild-card: “staff.*”

# Permission for blocking listed commands at “blocked-commands” and “blocked-mode-commands”. block: “staff.block”

# Permission for clearing/getting player reports. report: “”

# Permission for bypassing reports. report-bypass: “”

# Permission for using “/warn” and clearing/getting player warnings. warn: “staff.warn”

# Permission for bypassing warnings. warn-bypass: “staff.warn.bypass”

# Permission for using staff chat. staff-chat: “staff.staffchat”

# Permission for using “/v total”. vanish-total: “”

# Permission for using “/v list”. vanish-list: “staff.vanish.list”

# Permission for using “/chat clear”. chat-clear: “”

# Permission for using “/chat toggle”. chat-toggle: “”

# Permission for using “/chat slow”. chat-slow: “”

# Permission for bypassing the word blacklist. blacklist: “staff.blacklist”

# Permission for managing tickets. tickets: “”

# Permission for receiving mention alerts. mention: “staff.alerts.mention”

# Permission for receiving name change alerts. name-change: “staff.alerts.namechange”

# Permission for receiving xray alerts. xray: “staff.alerts.xray”

# Permission for toggling staff mode. mode: “staff.mode”

# Permission for using the staff mode compass compass: “staff.compass”

# Permission for using the staff mode random teleport random-teleport: “staff.random-teleport”

# Permission for the staff mode GUI hub gui: “staff.gui”

# Permission for the staff mode counter GUI counter: “staff.counter”

# Permission for using freeze. freeze: “staff.freeze”

# Permission for bypassing freeze. freeze-bypass: “staff.freeze.bypass”

# Permission for initializing clicks per second tests cps: “staff.cps”

# Permission for using examine examine: “staff.examine”

# Permission for editing inventories with examine. examine-modify: “staff.examine.modify”

# Permission for using staff mode follow follow: “staff.follow”

# Permission for locking/unlocking the server. lockdown: “staff.lockdown”

# Permission for giving a player’s previous inventory back. revive: “staff.revive”

# Permission for being noted as a staff member in the staff list command and for login. # This also excludes the player from being randomly teleported to! member: “staff.member”

# Permission for using “/strip”. strip: “staff.strip”

# Permission for use /tp tp: “”

# Permission for using /staffplus staffplus: “staff.staffplus”

# Use this for players who’s ip should not be shown in examine mode ipPerm: “staff.staffplus.hideip”

# Permission for using the clear inventory config invClear: “staff.staffplus.clearinv”

# Permission for using the /resetPassword command resetPass: “staff.staffplus.resetpassword”


# All commands and their according names. # Leave a command blank to disable it. commands:

# The command for toggling staff mode. staff-mode: “staff”

# The command for toggling freeze on players. freeze: “freeze”

# The command for examining players’ inventory examine: “examine”

# The command for managing notes for players. notes: “notes”

# The command for running a clicks per second test on a player cps: “cps”

# The command for toggling and using staff chat. staff-chat: “sc”

# The command for reporting and managing reports. report: “report”

# The command for warning and managing warnings. warn: “warn”

# The command for toggling vanish modes. vanish: “vanish”

# The command for chat management. chat: “chat”

# The command for creating and managing tickets. ticket: “ticket”

# The command for alerts management. alerts: “alerts”

# The command for toggling player following. follow: “follow”

# The command for reviving players. revive: “revive”

# The command for listing staff members. staff-list: “personnel”

# The command for logging in. login: “login”

# The command for registering a password. register: “register”

# The command for stripping a player’s armor. strip: “strip”

# The command for clearing a players inventory clearInv: “clear”

# The command for resetting a users password resetPass: “resetPassword”

# The command to change your own password changePass: “changepassword”


# How will the plugin still Data storage:

#Type is how it will store either a flatfile (yml) or mysql type: ‘flatfile’ mysql:

host: ‘localhost’ user: ‘root’ database: ‘root’ password: ‘mypass’ port: 3306 #DO NOT TOUCH migrated: false


# The declared version of this configuration file, used for configuration file changes. # Do NOT change this unless you know what you’re doing (hint: just don’t change it). config-version: 6204 # The interval in seconds at which auto saves will be performed. # The higher this is, the less lag there will be. auto-save: 3602

# Do you want the plugin to auto update AutoUpdate: true

# The interval in seconds at which calculations, like freeze checking, will be performed. # The higher this is, the less lag there will be. clock: 2

# Whether or not packet modifying will be completely disabled. # Enable this if you get packet errors and cannot fix them. disable-packets: false

# The animation packets that will be listened for and cancelled for total vanished players. # Each packet is separated by a comma. animation-packets: PacketPlayOutBlockBreakAnimation, PacketPlayOutBlockAction

# The sound names that will be listened for and cancelled for total vanished players. # Each name is separated by a comma. sound-names: random.chestopen, random.chestclosed

#Used to turn on or off metrics please keep true metrics: true